What is the difference an e-mail on the same subject written to your business partner only?

  Question 7c of 10 ( 2 Tone 299033 )
  Maximum Attempts: 1
  Question Type: Multiple Choice
  Maximum Score: 1
  Question: What is the difference in tone between a memo written to an entire company and an e-mail on the same subject written to your business partner only?
  Choice Feedback
A. The tone is really the same because the subject matter is the same.
B. The audiences both include members of the same company, so the tone is not that different.
*C. The e-mail will have a slightly less formal tone, as it is written to a person you know well, while the memo is addressed to a wide and varied audience, which requires a more distanced tone.
D. None of the above
Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: The e-mail will have a slightly less formal tone, as it is written to a person you know well, while the memo is addressed to a wide and varied audience, which requires a more distanced tone.

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