How would the tone of the articles vary depending on the publication?

  Question 7a of 10 ( 2 Tone 184197 )
  Maximum Attempts: 1
  Question Type: Multiple Choice
  Maximum Score: 1
  Question: Imagine a student wrote an article for the school newspaper and one for the town newspaper. How would the tone of the articles vary depending on the publication?
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*A. The article for the school newspaper would be more familiar though still professional. The article for the town newspaper would require a more distanced tone.
B. The audiences are exactly the same; there are just fewer adults in the school newspaper’s audience.
C. There is very little difference between writing for a school newspaper and a town newspaper.
D. None of the above
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The correct answer is: The article for the school newspaper would be more familiar though still professional. The article for the town newspaper would require a more distanced tone.

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