How many countries already have compulsory voting?

  Question 9c of 10 ( 2 Research questions 984585 )
  Maximum Attempts: 1
  Question Type: Multiple Choice
  Maximum Score: 2
  Question: Read the following example:

Research question: How many countries already have compulsory voting?
Which excerpt from “Compulsory Voting: An Idea Whose Time Has Come” best answers the example research question above?
  Choice Feedback
A. “I measure candidates by the soundness of their ideas rather than by their ability to rile up resentments or appeal to my party platform.”
B. “Two examples are jury service and paying taxes. Government cannot provide necessary services without revenue, nor can the justice system operate without juries.”
*C. “According to the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, about 32 countries around the world have some form of compulsory voting . . .” Correct!
D. “In the following 1924 election, voter turnout in Australia climbed to 91% and has remained around 95% ever since.”
Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: “According to the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, about 32 countries around the world have some form of compulsory voting . . .”

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