Fitsnack- August Review!
Wowza….am I behind in my blogging. Well, this review is coming a bit late as September is almost over and I am just now blogging about my August Fitsnack box. In my defense, it was originally sent to my house (because I forgot to change my address online oops!) and my mom had to send it to me at school (and took forever- sorry mom :)). So, now that I have had a chance to try all of the products in the box except one (not vegan) I am gonna let ya know what I thought.
First impression of box- SUPER EXCITED! I was thrilled that everything except one product in the box was vegan and gluten free. The product that was not vegan was GF, but I have adopted a vegan lifestyle as of late- curious about why? Read Why I went Vegan here!
Back to the products for this box- honestly may have been my favorite box thus far! There was really only one product that I did not like and would not purchase/ couldn’t even finish it. Curious as to what that was??? Read on my friend!
First reaction upon opening the box- YES! purely elizabeth granola & Power O’s! Two companies that I absolutely adore! I also was super excited to see the Trophy Nuts in here because I loved the peanuts in the last box! Also spotted a vegan & GF cookie in there- oh yeah! Too much goodness for one box!
Let’s break it down:
Love grown food power O’s. I have had their Apple Cinnamon Granola and the Chocolate power o’s before, but never the honey. These were pretty good but the flavor was a bit bland. I definitely like the chocolate O’s more. I do adore this company though and love that they make their cereals from beans! They are made from lentils, navy, and garbanzo beans and are very lightly sweet! If you are trying to get your kids to eat healthier cereal and off the lucky charms and cocoa puffs, give these a try!
Purely Elizabeth Pumpkin Fig granola- twas amazing!
Don’t let this photo fool you- it was only a 2 serving bag. I wish I had more of it! The pumpkin flavor came just in time for fall. This granola was soft and chewy, yet also had a slight crunch. It almost had a savory flavor from the pumpkin and was not overly sweet. Definitely will be looking for this in stores!
Trophy Farms Almonds
Think all almonds are made equally?? Think again. Some are raw, some are salted, some are flavored, and some are roasted. These were delicious and were lightly salted and had a great flavor/ texture. I definitely can taste the difference in brands of nuts (am I the only one??) and i really liked these!
Kutoa bar- overall this bar was decent. I would eat it again, but maybe not go out and seek it. The flavor was good but the texture was kind of dry. I was expecting it to have a flavor closer to a larabar and it was very dry.
Runs energy drink- did not enjoy this. Geez, my taste buds were not liking this. I think it is because I never have had an energy drink before (except a couple sips when I was like 14). I had a couple sips and was done. If you like energy drinks though and was something healthier than red bull/ Monster, then try this out!
This was your standard fruit and nuts bar. It was chewy and had good flavor. I would eat it again but probably not buy it over something else at the store.
Don’t go nuts soybean spread
This was pretty good for a soybean spread. I generally try to stay away from too much soy products because I like to eat tofu and edamame, and I am still unsure of the health benefits/ detriments of soy products. I am still researching on this topic so hopefully I figure it out soon! That being said this was pretty good- I topped a bit of it on a sweet potato with cinnamon and it was delicious.
This is the product I did not try- it was GF, but not vegan because it had cheese in it. Not much else to say about that.
Okay, just realized I have not tried this yet- it is a veggie based protein powder and the flavor is vanilla bean. I am looking forward to trying it out in a protein smoothie! Let me know if you have any flavor combo ideas for vanilla bean- I’m thinking something with banana or strawberries. Yum.
Well there ya have it. A very delayed review of the August Fitsnack box. I cannot wait to get my September box (which should be very shortly- probably in the next few days) and to try to get that post up much sooner!
Which of these products do you want to try? Have you tried anything from any of these companies?? Let me know in the comments!